The New World Translation and Its Critics
By Ian Croft, Western Australia
Watchtower Scholarship Remains Unsubstantiated守望台的學術仍然沒有證實
This paper began by referring to Nicholas Kip. His sincerity and faith in the Jehovah's Witnesses religion is not in question, nor is his firmly established opinion regarding the quality of the translation work in the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. He is entitled to his opinion. Others have, however, expressed opinions at wide variance with that given by Mr. Kip, and as a scholar he would do well to consider these opinions. The support which the Awake! magazine gives for his stance has been shown to be nowhere as strong as the magazine (and presumably, by implication, Mr. Kip) would have the reader believe. Indeed, the volume of scholarly opinion against the New World Translation seems to far outweigh that in support of it.
Few scholars, Christian or otherwise, feel they can condemn the New World Translation out of hand. Their difficulties are not with the sincerity of the translation committee, 他們不質疑翻譯者的真誠,but with certain aspects of the grammar used, 在於他們的語法,and with the noticeable theological bias in the work. 還有因教義而有的偏見。This comes out most strongly in the Christological (i.e., dealing with the person of Christ) passages. 尤其是那些應付基督論的經文。This is why comments relating to the Old Testament (or Hebrew Scriptures) are limited almost entirely to the quality of the grammar. 所以,評論舊約的部分,通常只在語法。The fact is that scholars, both Christian and non-Christians, have roundly attacked the scholarship of the New World Translation which pushes a particular theological stance, and which has influenced the lives of millions around the world. 事實上基督徒和非基督徒學者都攻擊《新世界》推動它的的神學立場。Jehovah's Witnesses who are concerned for their own eternal life, 那些關心自己的永生的耶和華見證人們,as well as that of others, and who wish to worship the living and true God as He is revealed in the pages of His Word, will wish to give consideration to these facts, 應該考慮這些事實,and ask themselves why it is that the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society needs to show in its literature quotes purporting to support the scholarship of its writers,應該問守望台為什麼需要讓人看見這些函義為支持他們的語錄, when that "support" has long since been proven to be unreliable 而這些『支持』已經被證明為不可靠的。and not as helpful as might be hoped. Why is it that support for the Society's translation of the Bible has been claimed from a scholar who has not read the book, 為什麼支持守望台的翻譯,來自一個未曾讀過這書的人,could not get the name correct, 連名字都弄不清楚的?and did not know that the translation work had been completed some six years before he made his incorrect statement? The answer is simple. 答案非常簡單。It is because no stronger support can be found! 因為沒有更好的支持!This has been but one example of the many scholastic errors of the Jehovah's Witnesses. 這是耶和華見證人的很多學術錯誤之一。If this one can be so easily checked, so can many others. The Watchtower organization can be shown to be built on slender support, which could collapse at any time. 守望台的支持非常薄弱。The evidence demands a questioning of the Jehovah's Witnesses' faith. 證據顯示,我們應該質疑耶和華見證人這信仰。Could it be that the scholars who make up the vast majority of comment on the translation are correct, rather than the one (Kip) or possibly two, if Winter is found to be as useful to the Jehovah's Witnesses as they would hope? -
「《新世界》和它的批評者(非基督徒網站)」(http://blog.xuite.net/nojw007/nojw007/310439087 )
「耶和華見證人誤引希臘文學者」(http://blog.xuite.net/nojw007/nojw007/310439232 )
「守望台歪曲學者們對《新世界》的評論」(http://blog.xuite.net/nojw007/nojw007/310438133 )
「《新世界》和它的批評者(非基督徒網站)」(http://blog.xuite.net/nojw007/nojw007/310438342 )
「有名望的希臘文學者怎樣說及《新世界》」(http://blog.xuite.net/nojw007/nojw007/252219855 )
「幾位主要希臘文學者怎樣評論《新世界》」(http://blog.xuite.net/nojw007/nojw007/310438661 )
「希臘文學者Bruce M. Metzger怎麼講《新世界》」(http://blog.xuite.net/nojw007/nojw007/310438814 )
「一大堆希臘文學者評論《新世界》」(http://blog.xuite.net/nojw007/nojw007/310438960 )